I'll still answer any questions related to this tutorial that are posted in this thread, so no worries on having to sign up there just to get your questions seen. That, and I want to be sure to keep up with my images in one place without stressing my bandwidth limits on Photobucket.
I didn't want to create yet another thread to make it any more confused looking than it already was, nor did I want to lose any of the questions asked, just in case others that viewed this thread had the same issues. This change is mostly due to the fact that the original post here was screwed up text-wise from the move a few years ago, and I was unable to make edits to it due to character limitations. #2 covers combining two different meshes, as well as intros to editing UV maps and bone weights. Tutorial #2, after four long years of procrastination, is also finally available.
It mainly serves as a way of showing how to import, edit, and export meshes between SimPE and Blender3D, as well as a brief intro into using Blender's interface.
#1 was originally created using Blender 2.45b, but will work just the same in 2.49b. The updated version of this tutorial is now hosted on Sim Oasis.